
Sunday 2 October 2011


Hahahaha!!! Best..smalam g bli brg2 baby...sbb kn mk aq mngandung..hehe insyaallah bln 12 ni brslin...bli ap yg perlu jer kut....brg2 ni la mk ngan ayh aq bli -----

Hahaha!! bnyk kn?? trlalu exicted kutt...bnyk biru kn..hehe of course la..g scan BABY BOY..hehe 
okey that's all
Tenkiu 4 Reading!!

Friday 30 September 2011

Tuto MARQUEE bergmbr ..

1. Dashboard > Design > Add a Gadget > Html/JavaScript

2. Copy kod di bawah and paste di ruangan Html/JavaScript tersebut :

<div style="background-image: url(&quot;;); border: 3px double #FF3399; height: 300px; overflow: auto; width: 190px;"></a><center>

<marquee onmouseover="this.start()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="7" direction="up" align="center">

<center><img style="width: 143px; height: 204px;" src="
URL GAMBAR DI SINI" /></center>
<center><img style="width: 143px; height: 265px;" src="
URL GAMBAR DI SINI" /></center>
<center><img style="width: 144px; height: 245px;" src="
URL GAMBAR DI SINI" /></center>
<center><img style="width: 142px; height: 213px;" src="
URL GAMBAR DI SINI" /></center>
<center><img style="width: 138px; height: 234px;" src="
URL GAMBAR DI SINI" /></center>



3. Ok , URL GAMBAR boleh Upload DI SINI (Korang boleh Copy "DIRECT LINK")
Tenkiu 4 Reading!!

Monday 26 September 2011

My New Frenn

hehe oke2..this my new frends..prensenting 'PLEUM JAI CHINWAN'..hehe know her from TWITTER..n chatting at FACEBOOK...hehehe the best arh!!...owh,,i forgot..she is from THAILAND ,. my neighbour..haha..if u dont understand..just pretend to understand oke..hehe!! she is so KIND ,, CUTE ,, HAS GOOD ATTITUDE..N MANY MORE....hehe that's all.. i dont wanna say more about her..hehe TOP SECRET meyh`~..this post is 4 u PLEUM JAI CHINWAN...tengkiu 4 being kind to me... =]

p/s : Korunk soey gne english..hehe sbb ni bg budak comel nih fhm.. =]

Tenkiu 4 Reading!!